Mainstream & Inclusion Training


Hours / Week

Admission Requirement


Currently Offered at

Hi 5

Basic Social Skills Program

2-4 hrs / week

No Pre-requisites for joining the Group. Vocal / Non Vocal Autistic children are taught

Teach Cooperation in group, Following rules, Group activities, Sharing, Playing games in group


BMI – Sharjapur Blore

BMI – Delhi



Social Skills Training

4 hrs / week

Vocal Children with ASD accepted after Assessment

Teach Joint attention, Group play skills, Conversation building, Understanding social rules, Perspective taking, etc


BMI – Sharjapur Blore

BMI – Delhi

BMI – Noida



Mainstream & Inclusion Training

4 hrs / week

Children Lacking school readiness

Teach Attention to teacher, Sitting , Following Classroom Rules, Reading & Writing


BMI – Delhi

BMI – Noida


At our centers all of our group programmes are developed and managed by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) with years of experience in teaching children and young adults with Autism and Developmental Delay. BMI runs group programs that focus on teaching social skills, class performance skills and group learning skills to children with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.

Social Skills

Social skills are the foundation for getting along with others. A lack of social skills can lead to behavioral difficulties in school, inattentiveness, peer rejection, emotional difficulties, bullying, difficulty in making friends, aggressiveness, problems in interpersonal relationships, isolation from peers, and depression.

With the aim of preventing these negative side effects of poor social skills and to give autistic children the skills to make friends and participate in society BMI utilizes a social skills curriculum which includes skills such as joint attention, play skills, conversation building and understanding social rules, taking the perspective of another person and how their behavior impacts another person.

These skills are taught through an array of group activities.